Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where'd I go???

Yo'!  Blogpals!  I have returned!  
I can't believe it's been three months since I wrote to you, but it has.  And that time has been quite miraculous.
Thrilled and delighted I was about getting tickets to all the movies I wanted to view at the Sedona Film Festival, but it was not destined to be.  My back went out after bending over to sign a credit card receipt at a local natural foods store throwing me out of commission for six weeks!!!  I mean I could walk and sit and lie down--but not without excruciating pain!  Pain that would have me shrieking just trying to turn over in bed.
I bucked-up and trussed-up and went to one screening at the Festival: Leave Her to Heaven with Gene Tierney, introduced by my favorite guy Robert Osborne.  Well, I had to get up and stand because my back hurt so much.  I gave up the rest of my tickets and prayed to make it through the ordeal.
I did.  Not without a few dark nights of the soul.  And, I am happy to say, not without maintaining my joy.
Yes, thanks to The Course in Miracles, Network Chiropractic, and a growing communion with The Almighty, I did not get lost in my pain.  Wow!  This is monumental growth!  I have to thank my back for gifting me with the opportunity to clear out that old debilitating stuff.  
The first week in April, when I believed I was finally ready for a road trip in the car, Kathy, Shasta, and I drove to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  We were in search of Georgia O'Keeffe country.  Man!  Did we find it!  Not only Santa Fe, which houses The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum,  but an hour or so northwest we discovered Abiquiu, the Chama River Valley, Ghost Ranch and all those glorious landscapes that Georgia O'Keeffe lived in and painted so stunningly!  I was in awe every step of the way, so much so that we are planning a longer stay there next spring.  
Up to The Enchanted Circle, northeast of Abiquiui, to a charming Swiss ski resort called Red River.
Nine thousand feet or so up in the mountains, it is a total surprise in the otherwise rugged desert landscape of northern New Mexico.  We will return there for a longer visit also!
Now, I am writing on my next book; setting up a marketing website, which will be up and running by June, I hope, containing free ebooks written by me that promote my other books to the world!!  It's all very exciting!
Having come through the illness and injury of the last six months, I try not to take for granted vibrant good health and everyday mobility.  And, oddly enough, I am lighter and stronger in this new phase of being!!
Catch you sooner rather than later!
Love to you,

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